Terms of Use


You have entered the official site of the Insular Health Care, Inc. By using our website, you accept and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions herein stated below which may be changed, revised or updated at anytime.


Intellectual Property Rights

All materials contained herein, including but not limited to the trademark, service marks, trade names, logos, icons, and images are properties of Insular Health Care, Inc. and are duly protected by the Intellectual Property Laws of the Philippines and other related international laws, if applicable. The use of the foregoing is strictly prohibited unless prior written consent of authorized person of Insular Health Care, Inc. is obtained for such purpose. Anyone violating this exclusive right of Insular Health Care, Inc. shall be liable for infringement.


Limited Purpose of the Website

The contents of this website are intended for general information only. Insular Health Care, Inc. does not warrant, expressly or impliedly, the merchantability or fitness of any material for other particular purpose other than what is stated. Nothing herein shall be construed as providing any financial, medical or legal advice. The Insular Health Care, Inc. program is subject to the terms and conditions of the applicable agreements, contracts and documents. Should you have additional inquiries or need advice on our program, you can contact us at our Head Office or at the Satellite Offices, or through any of our authorized representatives.



Insular Health Care, Inc. shall not, subject to specific lawful exceptions, disclose or release to third parties any personal data or information given or transmitted through the internet. Neither shall Insular Health Care, Inc. use said personal data or information for purposes other than what are described in the web site. However, due to the nature of the internet as an unsecured medium of communication, Insular Health Care, Inc. does not guarantee the privacy or confidentiality of the personal data or information given or transmitted by the user. Insular Health Care, Inc. shall not be held liable for damages for any loss of confidentiality of any information transmitted herein.


Non-Warranty and Non-liability

Insular Health Care, Inc. exercises reasonable efforts to provide accurate, complete and updated information on this web site. However, it does not warrant the absence of errors or omissions, defects, viruses or other harmful components of any material of function contained therein. Insular Health Care, Inc. shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential or punitive damages resulting from accessing or browsing the web site or from using or downloading materials herein, even if Insular Health Care, Inc. or any of its authorized representative has been advised of the possibility of such damages.


Restriction on Use of Materials

Materials shown on this web site may be downloaded for the personal use of the user, provided that all copyright and proprietary notices on the materials shall be retained. The reproduction, republication, distribution, transmittal, reuse, repost, or the use of materials for public or commercial purposes, including the text, images, audio and video without Insular Health Care, Inc. written permission is strictly prohibited. Insular Health Care, Inc. disclaims any liability arising from the foregoing prohibited acts.



Insular Health Care, Inc. does not represent that the materials, products and/ or services contained in this web site are appropriate and available for use in all locations or jurisdictions. No product is intended to be sold or offered in jurisdictions that disallow the sale or purchase of such product/ services.



This web site may be linked to other web site to which Insular Health Care, Inc. does not give its approval or endorsement. Insular Health Care, Inc. does not warrant the absence of errors or omissions, defects, viruses or other harmful components of any material or functions contained in said web sites, and neither shall it be held liable for any direct, indirect consequential or punitive damages resulting from accessing or browsing said web sites or from using or downloading materials therein.